Inspiration To Help You Perfect The Urban Style


Many ladies like the urban fashion style used by celebrities like Rihanna and just about every other hip-hop star during the last twenty years. The issue is that lots of women don’t know where to start when it comes to buying streetwear and creating the best results. With that in mind, this article will aim to offer some tips and inspiration that anyone can use to ensure they fit in perfectly at the next Snoop Dogg show in town (and any other occasion.) Of course, it’s important that everyone tries to become as original as possible in their approach. So, don’t copy these ideas to the letter or you will all look the same.

Baggy is brilliant

Before ladies do anything else, you will need to head out to a local urban streetwear store and pick up some of the latest fashions. Those who want the best results should opt for clothing that’s slightly too big for their bodies. All hip-hop stars and urban icons do that, and it helps to add to the look. Just don’t make the mistake of getting jeans so baggy they fall when you’re walking to the car. Baggy is the goal, but there are some limits! Brand names mean everything in the urban world, and so everyone should take the time to research the most famous designers around at the moment.

Don’t forget the bling

No urban style is complete without a LOT of bling according to The Richest. Indeed, people who don’t invest in the right jewelry will struggle to turn heads when they arrive at the club. Thankfully, there are lots of specialist suppliers out there today who make some stock some excellent pieces. The guys at Frost NYC and similar experts say you should never cut back on spending when it comes to getting some gold chains for your neck. Other popular jewelry items for an urban style include:

  • Bracelets

  • Large earrings

  • Gold watches

Camo isn’t just for the military

You only have to watch a couple of Rhianna’s video to see that camouflage is all the rage in the hip-hop world. For that reason, women who want to perfect the look will have to visit the right fashion stores to ensure they can get something that fits the bill. Either that or they could buy some materials and become a designer. Of course, ex-military jackets are always a top choice, and there are lots of shops that sell them for next to nothing. Indeed, you could even pick up some fresh items from eBay and other online auction websites. The fact that someone once wore the jacket while working for the army should make it a little more special than it otherwise would have been.

Readers who put some of those ideas to good use this fall should have no trouble when it comes to perfecting their style. As mentioned at the start of this post, it’s sensible to think outside of the box and come up with unique concepts too. So, get some images of your favorite urban icons and see if you can think of anything original. Just don’t spend too much money on bandanas because you’ll want to show off that Rihanna hairstyle!