Summer is an exciting season for fashion. Whereas in the winter you are layering yourself up and have to make decisions mainly on what coat you’re going to use to keep yourself warm, summer is all about accessorizing and making the most out of what limited clothes you have on. The rise in temperature calls for different types of fabric; you’re much less likely to wear something made from wool in the summer months, as it just doesn’t make sense. But what else do we need to keep in mind when getting your wardrobe summer ready?
The first thing that you have to get out of the way is the previous summers that are taking up valuable storage space. The way to do it is that if you haven’t worn it much the years before, or haven’t even worn it in a really long amount of time, it’s time to put it in the bin – or donate to a charity. This goes for not just your clothes but your accessories too. Think about what fits, what looks good, what you know that you’ll be getting good use out of. The more room that you can make, the more new clothes that you can buy which will be reflective of your current style.
Think Of The Long Term
A lot of time, we invest in clothing that is specific to the year that we’re in – that’s just natural. Styles and fashions change as time goes on, but there are some trends which are everlasting. Plain, block colours, spots and stripes are the big three that can be interwoven throughout the decades, and it is clothing with these specifics which stand the test of time. Have a look around online for a dress boutique which can hit all three. That way you know that you won’t be putting them to one side when it comes to the next summer clearout.
It’s a common misconception that layers are only for winter. Summer weather is prone to change in the blink of an eye, and the best thing that you can do is layer up lightweight pieces of clothing to ensure that you are covered from all fronts. If it gets warmer, at least you can remove one and put it in a bag to get out later.
Think Of The Shoes
A lot of the time, new shoes have to be bought in order to go with the outfits that you have purchased. That’s not a bad thing – but it needs to be remembered that quite a lot of cheaper shoes intended for summer use are made to be worn for a short time. Flip flops fall apart if they’re not made properly, leaving you in a bit of a dilemma when you can’t physically walk in them anymore. Make sure that you invest in a good, solid pair from a store like Birkenstock. It’s worth getting a design that you know will carry you through the season for the next decade.