No matter how much we attend to our regular beauty routines, and what products we choose to use, there are some problems that are potentially more difficult to deal with. Among these, skin tags and moles – and if you have them don’t worry, they are surprisingly commonplace and generally harmless – are unsightly and, for some of us, rather embarrassing. Even if yours are not particularly prominent, to the extent that others may not notice them, the fact you know that you have a mole or skin tag is enough to cause you constant concern.
So, what do you do about it? The usual course of action is to book an appointment at your salon or with a dermatologist, to see how best to remove the offending tag or mole. This is not a difficult process and can be done in minutes, but the problem is getting the appointment in the first place. You could wait a long time for your consultation, and then even more time for the actual process to be undertaken. There is an option: you could buy a mole removal pen and do it yourself, at home!
Simple and Effective
The thought of removing moles and skin tags at home, using a cheaply purchased pen, may at first be of concern to you; rest assured, these are safe, tested and effective tools that are easy to use, and that are medically approved for home use. How do they work? Generally, they work by way of a method known as electronic carbon ionisation. We won’t go into the details, but suffice to say – once again – it is a tried and tested method, and nothing spectacularly new. Some use plasma discharge technology – we’re writing this so when you see the terms written they won’t frighten you – and there are other methods.
These pens are simple to use, some are battery powered, others mains or USB powered, and some of them can be used to remove warts and other blemishes too. We found a good selection of the best mole removal pen for home use for you to look at, so you can get an idea of what each one does in comparison. You will find that they all have different intensity levels and various other features, so you can research the individual models and choose that which suits you best.
Making a Choice
Of course, you may well still be concerned about using a device you are not familiar with on your delicate skin. This is understandable, and if so you should talk to a medical practitioner in the first place. We recommend you read the reviews we gave you the link for and perhaps visit some of the individual items for further information.
Each comes with full instructions – follow these and you are guaranteed to be using a device that is safe and will not cause damage -and none are expensive, so have a closer look, and you should find this is the best way to remove moles, skin tags and even warts in your own home, and at very little cost.