5 Things to Know About Buying a Home before Marriage

As if getting married was not a commitment big enough, newlyweds have to dabble with the real estate market as well. Many face the dilemma whether to buy a home before or after they get married. Since the ceremony will probably require your full attention, it might be wise to purchase a home before you … [Read more…]

The Hidden Route To Confidence Is Self-Care

Pexels Caring for yourself is one of the best things you can ever do. Even those who would consider caring for others to be the ultimate good will accept that without self-maintenance, the ability to lend a willing and competent hand of kindness to someone else will be less effective, and in the worst instances … [Read more…]

The Unexpected Perks Of Living With Disability

Whether you’re born able bodied or know what it’s like to endure life with a disability from an early age, we’ve all been guilty of taking our own bodies for granted. The human body is a wonderful gift. The human brain has applied itself to many of the great problems of existence both logistical and … [Read more…]

Don’t Let Personal Injury Hold Back Your Healthy Lifestyle

The benefits of a healthy lifestyle speak for themselves. Not only do we enjoy a leaner body, clear skin and strong hair and nails, not only do we gain the confidence that comes with feeling string, hit and capable, not only do we enjoy body positivity and an optimistic outlook, not only is it easier … [Read more…]

Medical Procedures That Could Improve Your Overall Quality of Life

Photo Credit Increasing numbers of us put off visiting our doctor when we start to experience symptoms of detrimental health conditions. This isn’t all too surprising. Many of us are extremely busy and just feel that we cannot fit in “unnecessary” health appointments around our hectic work schedules, social lives, and much needed time for … [Read more…]

Upgrading Your Life and Never Settling for Less

We often hear the phrase ‘living your best life’ online and on shows at the moment. And while that can be something that is a little cliche to say, it has a lot of meaning behind it. Because shouldn’t we all want to be living our best life? If that is the case, then why … [Read more…]

Beating Boredom

Photo Credit Hours and hours of time can be lost through feeling bored. But we live in a world which affords us more possibilities than ever before, and there are plenty of ways of keeping yourself entertained. After all, you only get one life and it is too short to be stuck feeling like you … [Read more…]

4 Fantastic Benefits of Facial Steamers

No-one finds getting old easy. Particularly not the effects it has on your skin. If you are looking to reverse or slow down the signs of ageing, it may be worthwhile investing in a facial steamer. These ingenious devices can be of benefit to you in many ways, as you’ll see from the following post. … [Read more…]