Five Ways to Make Sure Your Makeup Lasts All Day

You spend hours applying your makeup, achieving the perfect, polished look, only to look in the mirror two hours later and see a different face looking back at you. Your lipstick has faded, your eyeliner is smudged, and you don’t have the gorgeous bronze glow you had when you applied your bronzer. Sound familiar? Well, … [Read more…]

Is Cupid Sleeping on the Job? A Guide to Finding Romance

Public Domain Pictures A lack of romance in one’s life can really get people down. But what’s the right way to deal with such a problem? How should one go about finding romance? This is a quick guide to accepting your situation and preparing yourself to find someone who will really make you happy. Love … [Read more…]

Sayonara, Au Revoir, Adios: How To Say Goodbye To Anxiety

Image source On paper, anxiety is nothing but a feeling of worry mixed in with nervousness and unease, usually about an upcoming something or other that has an uncertain outcome attached to it. In reality, your heart pounds like the pistons on a train, your palms sweat, your forehead turns dank and glimmer, and your … [Read more…]

Your Kid’s Birthday Party: The Do’s And Don’ts

Source: Pixabay Your kid’s first few birthdays are a piece of cake; (pun intended) a mellow gathering with the family, one little song, and then a lot of chatting and coffee. However, once they get a little older and more social, they’ll want to have a real birthday party just like their friends. If you’ve … [Read more…]

Eye Know – Do You?

Image Source We tend to take our eyes for granted. They do so much for us every single day. It’s one of the most powerful senses that we have, and we use them for so much more than just seeing. When we walk into the room, we are able to sense whether we are going … [Read more…]

Say Goodbye to Fat for Good

Weight loss can be a troublesome subject. A lot of people aren’t comfortable with their weight, yet they’re more likely to hide it and use temporary solutions to get over their problems by making excuses and blaming something else. If you find yourself making excuses for your weight or giving yourself a reason to stay … [Read more…]

Stay Safe While Summer Driving

Photo Credit We are well into spring now and the promise of summer is on the horizon. With it, comes the expectation of summer holidays as people look to get away to explore new parts of the world. Even if you are not planning to go too far away, chances are that you will be … [Read more…]

Do You Struggle With Low Self-Esteem? Self-esteem is a really tricky thing, especially for women and girls. Society doesn’t seem to be able to make up its mind. Magazines scream of store shelves about containing ways to make you more confident! More assertive! And yet right next to those magazines you’ll have ones decrying the “narcissism of the selfie generation!” … [Read more…]