Five Ways to Make Sure Your Makeup Lasts All Day

You spend hours applying your makeup, achieving the perfect, polished look, only to look in the mirror two hours later and see a different face looking back at you. Your lipstick has faded, your eyeliner is smudged, and you don’t have the gorgeous bronze glow you had when you applied your bronzer. Sound familiar? Well, … [Read more…]

Do You Struggle With Low Self-Esteem? Self-esteem is a really tricky thing, especially for women and girls. Society doesn’t seem to be able to make up its mind. Magazines scream of store shelves about containing ways to make you more confident! More assertive! And yet right next to those magazines you’ll have ones decrying the “narcissism of the selfie generation!” … [Read more…]

Simple Haircare Tips

Sometimes haircare can seem a complicated business. There are so many different products to use and how does anyone decide between vintage looks like in 90s hairstyles, short cuts, long flowing locks or any other of the myriad options for your mop?  Well don’t stress, when it comes to haircare you just have to go … [Read more…]

New Year Resolution – Get my Best Skin Back with Melblok!

How to get the Perfect Pigmentation Free, Clear and Smooth Skin you’ve always wanted! Another year went by, without us realizing. Is time moving too fast or are we just feeling it? Whatever it is, years keep going by, we keep making resolutions we never keep up to, and each year just seems the same … [Read more…]

Risks of Botox Cosmetic Treatment: What You Can Do

    The demand for non-surgical beauty treatments continues to rise. While plastic surgery is seen as risky and potentially damaging (as well as expensive), non-surgical treatments are seen as the safer and cheaper option. In fact, 90 percent of the beauty treatments performed here in the UK now are non-surgical. And one of the … [Read more…]

Working Your Face For The Perfect Look

Did you know that your face shape affects a lot of things? It can make a difference to the makeup you use, that hairdo you sport and even the glasses that you wear. Read on for some more info on how to work with your face shape to achieve the best look. Long To find … [Read more…]